The draught horse or the percheron

The Percheron is a very famous horse breed and certainly the most famous in the world. For a long time used as a means of locomotion, it is not for nothing that it was nicknamed the dilligencier. It works in all fields: agriculture, horse riding in the tourism sector and even in the maintenance of green spaces. Powerful, it is very versatile in addition to its great aesthetics and its royal air.
The Percheron or draught horse is a breed that originated in France. According to a legend, its ancestors were mares that Clovis I captured in Brittany in the 469s. Then, some say that they were Arab stallions that arrived in Perche, Normandy, in the 8th century with the Muslim invaders.
Many theories exist about its appearance in France. But what is certain is that this beautiful breed of stallion was exported to the United States in 1839. Of the four horses taken on board, only one had managed to survive the long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. This gave birth to other lines, notably in England and Canada. The Percheron is a war horse that has a certain nobility. It seduces many enthusiasts throughout the world.
The Percheron is a large and majestic dog with an elegant, almost airy appearance. Once adult, its size can reach 1.55 and 1.85 meters at the withers. It weighs between 900 and 1,200 tons. Its manes are both ample and well furnished. Its forehead is wide and its head is distinguished by its square and fine aspect. His eyes are expressive and his ears are large and thin. The color of his mane is either gray or black. In the United States, however, roan black, bay and chestnut are accepted. Finally, its dewlap is not very apparent, or even absent in some animals.
Like all draught horses, the Percheron must have a diet rich in protein since it makes a lot of physical effort. Lipids, vitamins, carbohydrate foods, cereals and water are also required. They also consume hay, about 13 kg per day. The daily rations must however be adapted to its activity, age and weight.
Character and behaviour
The Percheron is the work horse par excellence. It is intelligent, powerful, very brave, patient, docile and willing. Given its large size, pulling extremely heavy loads is not a problem for it. Easy to live with, he behaves like a trustworthy and loyal companion. With a good character, he is also very gentle and his education is far from being a difficult task.
The Percheron rarely has health problems, but there are always exceptions. It should be noted, however, that his ankles require special attention, especially when he works in wet and muddy areas. This area can be subject to a certain sensitivity called pododermatitis. This results in inflammation or even plantar lesions.
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