Horse manure: The benefits for your vegetation

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Horse manure: The benefits for your vegetation

Every self-respecting gardener wants to fertilise his soil and develop his plants. To do this, he uses various techniques and fertilizers. Among the most commonly used manures, there is horse manure. This is a mixture of horse manure and bedding. Not only is it effective, it is also natural and less toxic to the soil and plants. For more details on the benefits of horse manure on vegetation, we invite you to read this article.

What is horse manure?

Horse manure is composed of horse manure and plant litter. Generally, this is straw. Depending on the amount of urine, horse manure and straw, the manure can be more or less dry. It is widely used in garden centres and riding schools. When it decomposes, it provides the soil with all the nutrients it needs. This makes it perfect for growing your plants.

What are the benefits of horse manure?

Horse manure is a good fertiliser. It is good for your vegetation and your garden. Indeed, its composition is richer than that of other manures. Horse manure is very rich in dry matter. This means that it can improve the properties of heavy soils very well. It is rich in mineral elements (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.) and is able to nourish the soil. It can also give a boost to sandy soils.

Thanks to its composition, horse manure also increases the soil's carbon content. This stimulates the biological process in the soil, resulting in a successful harvest. You can use it for your vegetable garden and orchard as well as for your ornamental garden.

In addition, this type of manure has the advantage of being warm. Because of its temperature, it is used extensively when planting hastened crops. It is a real source of heat that is both economical and ecological. Furthermore, horse manure does not smell. Furthermore, it is unlikely to transmit any disease to humans.

What are the disadvantages of horse manure?

Despite all these advantages, horse manure does have some disadvantages. The mixture can be toxic if the horse has recently been treated or dewormed. In this case, traces of the dewormer may be present in the fresh manure. This can kill the plants. It is therefore recommended to compost the horse manure before using it. This means that you will have to wait 6 months before you can use it to fertilise your soil.

Some gardeners also complain that horse manure may increase the acidity of the soil over time. The other disadvantage of horse manure is that it is not suitable for all vegetables. While it is suitable for nitrogen-intensive plants such as potatoes, lettuce or maize, it is not suitable for courgettes, cucumbers, aubergines, tomatoes and peppers. Be careful when using it.


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